Marketing Operations

Maximise marketing efficiency and unlock the value of marketing ops

Beyond Measurement: The Value of Business Intelligence

Is your business struggling to report on marketing performance? Using the right analytics solution is key to getting accurate campaign results.

| Marketing Operations

The Data Story: Reporting for B2B Marketers

There is more to marketing reporting than viewing dashboards. Asking the right questions is just as important as showing the right numbers.

| Marketing Operations

Planning the Personalised Journey

B2B marketing has changed. The business is demanding more from marketing, just as buyers have become harder to reach. A more coordinated approach is needed.

| Digital Marketing

Live Chat Enters the B2B Marketing Conversation

Live chat has become an essential part of the B2B marketing mix. It's become more than just a tool for lead capture and customer service.

| Digital Marketing

Events: The Hybrid Future

Marketing has become a digital-first discipline. Events are no exception. Hybrid events are causing marketers to reimagine what an event can be.

| Digital Marketing

Nurture: Finding the Audience

Are you adding enough engaged contacts to your nurtures to generate results? Personalisation is key to successful nurture, but only for the right audience.

| Digital Marketing

5 Essential Data Management Capabilities

Data management doesn't have to be complicated. Start improving the quality of your database with these 5 basic data improvement programs.

| Marketing Operations

What Are The Right B2B Data Sources?

Building a marketing database is hard. Choosing the best third party data sources for your database is even harder. The right vendor depends on your audience.

| Marketing Operations

Losing the Lead

In 2005, Sirius Decisions invented the MQL. In 2021, Forrester are trying to kill it. Can marketing ever truly replace the humble lead record?

| Marketing Operations

How to Improve Email Metrics

There’s no right way to getting more opens and more clicks. Instead, many small changes can be combined to deliver the best results.

| Digital Marketing