AI enhances Business Intelligence

AI enhances Business Intelligence

| Marketing Operations

Marketing leaders often claim to lack the data needed to guide decision-making. BI vendors are using generative AI to give them the tools they need.

2023 may have been a breakthrough year for AI among the general public. However, data analysts have been using it to categorise and normalise data for far longer. There's been a lot of talk about using AI to build complex machine-learning models that spot data trends, which can be used to improve future marketing performance. However, that's not actually a new capability. The same technology has powered intent data, social media algorithms and predictive lead scoring for at least the past decade.

Extending those AI models to assist with data interpretation has long been an ambition of data scientists. Recent advances in generative AI have finally made that possible, democratising machine learning techniques by opening them up to a general business audience, beyond just highly-trained data analysts. Perhaps the real breakthrough for Generative AI is to aid marketers in navigating the typical marketing performance dashboard.