Welcome to Marketing via Technology

Welcome to Marketing via Technology

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This is the personal blog of Alan Chatfield. Please make yourself at home.

I've had a personal blog for years on WordPress. During that time, I have made a point to never write about marketing or enterprise tech. That was the day job, and this blog is a hobby. The end result is that I ended up not writing anything at all. I didn't want to write about my other hobbies, I prefer to actually do them.

I've now decided that writing about work stuff is preferable to not writing at all. I enjoy writing. My friends and colleagues tell me I'm good at it. So here we are. By the time you see this, I'll have launched my new site with a new domain.

Why is it called Marketing via Technology? Well, the original plan was to call it marketing with technology, but that domain was taken. This site is primarily about digital marketing, marketing automation and marketing technology in general. However, I will sometimes cover enterprise technology beyond that relevant to Marketers, such as Office 365 and G Suite. I have to keep up with what Microsoft, Google and other enterprise application vendors are doing anyway.

I got into marketing through technology. My first job was as a junior database administrator. I was IT Manager at CRMT for many years alongside my work building campaigns in Eloqua and Marketo. The name of the site reflects this.

However, I've created enough campaigns, worked alongside enough marketers and learned enough about marketing to be trusted to talk about demand generation and other marketing topics. However, on this blog my tech background may sometimes show through.

You will notice a link to crmtechnologies.com in the footer. This does not mean that the site is any way to linked to CRMT, or endorsed by them. I put it in because the contents of this site are directly relevant to their core business, and I work for them.

This is a personal blog, written in my spare time. I'm not writing this to earn money or win business for CRMT. As such, all views expressed on these pages are solely the opinion of the author. In most cases that author will be me.

If CRMT do happen to agree with something I write, then you may find a revised version of that article on their site several days later. They have my permission to republish any articles they like on their blog.

Finally, I will occasionally post off-topic content too. I will try to stick to uncontroversial topics when doing this. However, I do have a degree in politics and philosophy. There is a significant gap between political philosophy and political reality, but when the actions of the political classes become too controversial or incompetent, my commentary may step into the realm of the political. I promised long ago to never write publicly about the domestic politics of a nation other than my own. However, current events on both sides of the Atlantic mean that my reticence has been sorely tested. I do not expect that to change in the near future.

I apologise unreservedly for any offence that may be caused by my posts, both on-topic and off-topic.

Update 14th June 2018:
Don't go looking for my old blog. I took it offline. You may also notice that this is not a WordPress site. I'm using a different CMS for this one. WordPress is a really powerful and flexible CMS, but getting it configured as I wanted was more hassle than it was worth. I was able to set up Ghost and code a basic theme in a weekend while still getting the functionality I wanted. It's definitely come a long way in terms of features since the early versions I experimented with in the past, all without sacrificing ease of use.

P.S. Thanks to the great customer service of my web host in getting this installed, and fixing the install when I broke it.

Written by
Marketing Operations Consultant at CRMT Digital specialising in marketing technology architecture. Advisor on marketing effectiveness and martech optimisation.