How Technology Can Streamline ABM

How Technology Can Streamline ABM

| Digital Marketing

Successful ABM relies on mapping buying groups within enterprise accounts. In practice, this has been impossible to do accurately until now.

Pretty much every technology platform going has released a major AI update over the last 12 months. This week alone saw Integrate and Demandbase introduce new AI features. These newer releases aren't just a "me too" type text generator that few people will ever use, although ON24 have embedded one in their platform as part of a broader update. Instead, technology vendors are now introducing AI in a way that complements the strengths of their platforms.

Put together, the various AI updates are a major step towards solving one of the biggest challenges with ABM within an enterprise environment. For all the transformational promises, ABM often ends up being a re-run of existing types of campaign to existing audiences. Marketers don't use the selection of accounts in the target account list to meaningfully change the campaign content or customer experience. That's because many ABM programs ignore the contact layer when deciding on ABM targeting.