Marketing Technology

Discover how effective use of technology can boost marketing performance

Revolution When: The Limitations of Agents

AI agents are the future of enterprise automation. Yet, adoption has been slow. For all the benefits, significant questions about their usefulness remain.

| Marketing Technology

Next-Gen Automation: The Role of Agents

AI agents are not a replacement for traditional rule-based automation workflows. They merely expand the types of business processes that can be automated.

| Marketing Technology

Revolution When: Generative AI in 2025

2025 is expected to be a transformational year for Generative AI adoption. Or is it? The uptake of new technology is always slower than predicted.

| Marketing Technology

Terminal Science: Media and Technology Unite

With content syndication struggling to prove value for lead generation, one publisher has hit on a novel solution: buy the Terminus ABM platform.

| Marketing Technology

The Rising HubSpot Breeze

HubSpot's new AI introduces many new and interesting capabilities across the platform. However, Breeze has its downsides as well as its benefits.

| Marketing Technology

Enter the Agentforce

Agentforce is pitched as the future of the Salesforce platform. After months of hype, do agents finally give Generative AI a role in tech stacks?

| Marketing Technology

Oracle: The Forgotten Marketing Cloud

Oracle's martech portfolio is often unfairly dismissed as an outdated platform for large enterprise. Yet, they're actually at the forefront of B2B marketing.

| Marketing Technology

Avoiding the Legacy Trap

In many organisations, old technology and burdensome processes are a fact of life. It doesn't have to be like that. Businesses can do better.

| Marketing Technology

The Advertising Privacy Balance

There doesn't have to be a trade-off between customer privacy and effective ads. Marketers can deliver both leads and strong data protection.

| Marketing Technology

The First-Party Intent Qualification

There are many sources of intent data, but the best intent comes from the data that you already have. Are you making the most of your first-party data?

| Marketing Technology