And the winner is...
I've got a bad feeling about this... An opt-in long ago in an email far, far away...
I've been surprised at how few opt-in campaigns I've received so far. Although, I know from my day job that a lot more are incoming.
However, I think we already have a winner of the best email award. This actually made me laugh out loud when I went through my inbox this morning.

Yes, I am a massive Star Wars fan. I'm a big sci-fi fan in general. However, there are a lot of Star Wars fans out there, so it's a good audience to go after.
It's interesting actually, how many campaigns I've received from companies who I've have never had emails from before. I've even opted-in to some of them.
The runner-up prize goes to one of those companies that I'd never heard of before. Bottomline Technologies sent a pun-filled aquatic number several months ago. I opted in despite the fact their products are well outside my area of interest or responsibility.
P.S. One small quibble with PathFactory is that they got the send date of their campaign wrong. Star Wars Day was two weeks ago, on May 4th. Although, given that was around the time they rebranded away from LookbookHQ I'll let that one pass just this once.